Friday, February 28, 2014

Rest and Relaxation

One of the BIG selling features of our house (at least for me) was the big tub in the master bedroom.  I have not taken a bath in years, and was so excited to FINALLY be able to so.  This may sound crazy, but I'm a water person.  I truly believe a lot can be solved/fixed with a shower or bath.  If you are not feeling well, the steam helps clear your head.  The warm water is like therapy that helps relax and relieve body aches and pains.

Anyway, I got to use our bath a grand total of two times before finding out I was pregnant.  TWO!  After that I was nervous to get in the tub because so many things you read caution against it.  Well, now that I'm well into my third trimester (17 days away from due date to be exact) I have found myself tense and not able to rest/relax well.  Go figure?!?  I talked to my doctor and she gave me the OK, so I decided to take a bath.  Not just any bath though.  I was going to have the works!  I used bath salt that Steve and I got while on vacation last year, lavender oil, candles, music.  It was AWESOME!  There may have been a few times that I almost fell asleep.  When I finally got out I looked at the clock and realized that I had been in there for over an hour!  Completely oblivious to the outside world!  It was CRAZY!

I don't remember the last time I let myself take a whole hour just for me and me alone.  I mean my mind was completely shut off to the world.  Steve was watching Hud and I didn't have a single worry.  Seriously, a giant fireball could have been head toward our house and I wouldn't have been able to care less.

Being a mom, it is so easy to forget to take care of yourself.  You are so busy constantly worrying about what everyone else needs/wants.  Hudson is a growing active two year old and well, my husband has a whole other set of things he needs.  I'm talking about running errands, cleaning up after everyone, cooking, being emotionally supportive of everyone around me....  On top of that I have the labor and delivery of our sweet baby girl hanging over my head.   I'm not scared, but I'm not looking forward to it either.  Don't get me wrong, I want Alexis to get here, I just wish I could skip L&D.  There are so many things to do before the arrival of a new baby.  I've been taking my time getting everything done, but that doesn't mean it isn't always in the back of my mind.  It's just a little stressful.... 

I don't think it's selfish to take time for yourself at all.  How are you supposed to be there for others if you aren't on top of your game?  Men seem to be able to carve out time for things they want to do or enjoy doing, but it is sooo much harder for women and I will say especially mommies.  So, my advice to every woman (and man) is to make sure you get some "You Time" at least once a week where you can decompress.  Relax.  Unwind.  Clear your mind.  Your whole family will thank you for it later when you aren't snapping at everyone or getting ready to boil over.  I recently started doing this (not always a bath, but just getting away) and it has done wonders for me.  I am a much happier, more loving wife and mother when I have a few minutes to myself. 

TAKE A BATH!  It does the body, mind, and soul good! 

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