Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Things that drive me crazy...for no reason!

Every mother is different.  I understand that some of these (probably all of these) are just me being weird.  haha  I'm a Type A, uptight , overprotective, need my own space kind of woman.  I love being around other people, but only for a certain amount of time.  I need things to be on my terms or I have panic attacks.... I might be a little crazy.... Can you tell?  :)
  1. When people hold babies or Hudson by the crotch.  IT SERIOUSLY BOTHERS ME!  I have no idea why, but it does.
  2. When people hold Hudson or babies and let them be mostly horizontal.  I can't describe it, but why not just let them sit up.  Don't force my child to slouch!  IT DRIVES ME CRAZY!
  3. Here's another weird one....  People who are super eager to change my child's diaper will NEVER change my child's diaper!  That is just creepy.  I'm the mom.  I'll take care of it.  You can love on my baby, but when you start asking if you can change his/her diaper and talk about it all the time...it seriously creeps me out.  So..... NO.  I know there are so many moms who would love to have someone step in and "do the dirty work", but I just can't deal with it.  It's my job, I'll do it.  Plus, you probably won't do it right and I'm just going to change it again once you leave sooooo there isn't really a point of having anyone help in that department. So, thanks for the offer, but no thank you.
  4. If you want to help out right after the baby is born, that is FANTASTIC!  There are lots of things you can do, but taking my baby from me and telling me to sleep isn't one of them.  First, my hormones are all over the place and I'm stressed and overly tired.  I may not have slept in 24 hours, but I can't just sleep at the drop of a hat... weird, I know.  The best way you can help me, is to do one of many things:  bring meals, help with dishes, baby laundry (not mine, or my husbands), vacuum, put dishes away, OR just come and spend time with a socially deprived mommy and talk about how cute her (I mean my) children are!
  5. PUT MY BABY DOWN!  If they don't want you to hold them and are try to wiggle away or are crying, LEAVE THEM ALONE!  If you don't put them down ASAP I WILL COME AND TAKE THEM FROM YOU!  THAT IS A PROMISE!  On that same note, if they want to be held, more power to ya!  Hold away, just don't force it.  
  6. Give me a little grace....  I'm hormonal, emotional, tired, stressed, amazed, and exhausted while loving my family and giving as much as I possibly can.  I might be flakey for a while.  I might hibernate.  There is a good chance I will say things I don't mean.  There is also a good chance I will say things I mean but shouldn't have said and they will come out rude and blunt.  NO FILTER PEOPLE!  Don't forget about me or count me out.  I'm in survival mode and just need a little time to adapt and adjust.  PLEASE UNDERSTAND and be patient with me.  Forgive me for my rudeness, my exhaustion..... Give me some grace.  This is when I need it the most.
  7. When I say one thing about what my child needs and someone goes and does the exact opposite even though they heard me OR they disagree with me.  I'M THE PARENT, NOT YOU!  If you want to be around my child and in my good graces, you can't ignore my decisions or wishes regarding MY child.  Please be respectful of that, and we will all be much MUCH happier! 
  8. When people speak for my child....  If I am talking to Hudson, please don't interrupt or tell me what he sees, says, thinks....  I'm trying to communicate with MY BABY.  NOT YOU.  
  9. I hate when people ask personal questions about myself (body) or my baby.  If you need to know I'll tell you.  If not, just be happy your able to love on my child and I keep you in the need to know loop.  I don't ask about your lady parts, so please don't ask about mine.
  10. I'm a private person and don't want the whole world to know every time I'm nursing my baby.  While it is a perfectly natural thing to do, I still don't want it shared with everyone.  Would you like it if I announced to everyone in the room/restaurant... every time you used the bathroom?  NO.  So please, be desecrate around me and about what is going on with my body. 
  11. NEVER try to take my child/baby from me.... I will freak out!  
  12. My children will NEVER be too big for me to carry or hold.  Don't even try to tell me otherwise, I won't listen.  
  14. DON'T GIVE ME ADVICE unless I ask for it.  I hate HATE HATE being told what to do.  I am stubborn and making unwanted comments/suggestions will only make me mad and push me away. (Even though I am sure I am guilty of doing this to my pregnant/mommy friends...oups)
  15. My children are not your children.  They are individuals and I would appreciate it if you wouldn't tell me what to do or how to handle situations because you child did _______.  
  16. Don't be a "know it all".  It's just obnoxious.
Reading back over this is funny because non of this makes me angry, but it is stuff that gets on my nerves!  haha  It's funny what pushes your buttons when you have children or are pregnant.  

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