Monday, February 10, 2014

Never a dull moment...weekend recap

We were planning on having a relaxing weekend with my parents coming in for the day on Saturday to visit.  However, it ended up being anything but relaxing!   Hud started coming  down with what we thought was a cold on Friday morning.  By the time my parents got in on Saturday he was coughing, had a runny nose and his cheeks were fire engine red (no fever though).  He really fought sleep and finally went down around 9:30pm.  We really did have a nice visit during the day.  Mom and I went out  for mani/pedis so that was fun!  Steve and dad got to work on some projects around the house.

Anyway, we all crashed around 11pm.  I kept hearing hud cough over the monitor, but it got really bad around 12:30.  When I went up to check on him I realized he was drooling all over himself, his cheeks were sooooo red, he was crying, wheezing, and had a horrible barking cough!  It was no longer just a nasty cough that was trying to clear his throat.  It was seriously painful to hear.  I panicked when I realized he was having trouble breathing and rushed downstairs to get Steve.  We all ended up piling into the car and gong to the ER where they determined that he had croup.  They also said that he had Fifths Disease.  Nothing that wouldn't pass for Hudson, but everyone kept telling me that because I am pregnant there was a potentially serious problem (comforting right?).  I really didn't believe he had Fifths Disease because he has been having red rashes on his cheeks on and off for months, but hey, what do I know?!?!  I'm just his mom.

The ER doctors gave Hud a steroid to help open his airways, instructed me to contact my OB so I could get tested for Fifths Disease and sent us on our way.  We got home a little after 2am.  WHY DO THESE THINGS ALWAYS HAPPEN AT NIGHT?!?!?

Sunday morning Hud seemed to be improving, but we decided we wouldn't be able to attend a work event that evening for Steve because we didn't want Hud around other kids at the sitters.  My parents, being the amazing people they are, informed us that instead of heading home that morning they would stay all day and watch Hud for us so we could go.  They are seriously the most giving people on earth and I am so thankful for them.

The work event for Steve was actually a charity dance competition.  No, we didn't dance, but we got to watch local celebrities dance and complete for the charity of their choice.  It was really fun!  We got to sample foods from restaurants all over the city and then we had a fantastic meal too.  It really was a fun night!  I loved seeing everyone's beautiful dresses/gowns!  Even though I am 35 weeks pregnant, I loved getting all dressed up!  SO FUN!

When we got home, Hud was still awake and looked horrible!  I was so bummbed that he didn't seem to be improving.  My parents had to leave and head home so Steve, Hud, and I got prepared for another long night.  I finally got Hud to sleep around 10!  He woke up a lot during the night coughing and choking on...snot?  BUT he didn't have the barking cough anymore or the wheezing, so it was a little better.  Hud slept in our room and will continue to do so for the next few days per doctors orders.  I spent most of the night sitting on the floor rubbing his back trying to calm him down after he had coughing fits.  I think Steve was the only one who got any sleep last night, and for the life of me I can't figure out how!?!?!

The plan for today was to take Hud to the doctor then Steve was going to come home and watch Hud so I could go to the doctor to get labs done and check on Alexis.  However, after Hudson's doctor appointment there was no need to go see my OB.  Hudson's pediatrician confirmed what I thought.  He did have croup and was prescribed more steroids to help, but he did NOT have Fifths Disease.  My sweet little boy just had bad eczema and because he was having trouble swallowing and breathing (there was a loot of drool and snot) it was irritating his skin causing the eczema to be horrible.  I was so relieved!   Hud hadn't been officially diagnosed with eczema before, but I had figured that there was some kind of skin issue going on because of some rashes he would get especially this winter.  It was nice to finally get that officially diagnosed.  

Hud is still not feeling well, but at least we know how to combat what's going on.  I'm hoping that with the additional medication, Hud sleeps better tonight and feels much better tomorrow!

Alexis is doing just fine and I'm exhausted!  :)  Is it time for bed yet?  I sure hope we don't have anymore EXCITING weekends before Alexis gets here.  I don't think I can take anymore.....

Thanking God for the diagnoses of Hud and that he is safe and recovering.  Thankful for my parents for always being willing to drop everything to help us.  Blessed beyond words to have my wonderful Husband (my rock) and our son who makes life worth living.  God is sooooo good!

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