Thursday, September 29, 2011

36 weeks 7 days...

No baby today!  I went into my appointment this morning hoping by some miracle, baby Hudson would be ready to just "pop" out.  I was wishfully thinking how AWESOME it would be to go in and find out that I was already 7cm dilated and ready to head over to labor and delivery to quickly and painlessly have this baby.... NO SUCH LUCK!  Can you tell I have reached the point in this pregnancy where I am ready to be done!?!?!? 

Tuesday night around 10:00pm Steve and I headed to the hospital only to find out that the contractions I was having were too irregular.  I had been having them for hours and finally called my doctor to see what to do.  She told me to head in to get checked.  While there, we found out I was between 1-2cm dilated and 65% effaced.  I wasn't going to share that information, but decided that one day I might want to know just how long this entire process took.... Anyway, we were pretty excited about that news!  Surely we would be having our baby soon right?!?!  We were sent home and told he could come any time...MEANING, he could be here tomorrow or in three weeks.... hummmm

Today was another doctors appointment.  It was the last appointment I will have with my regular doctor before she leaves (unless I can convince Hudson to come on out within the next week).  Like I said, I was optimistic that I would magically be ready to have this baby (by the way, Hudson is full term now)... I made a point to tell the nurse and the doctor just how ready I was to get this show on the road.  I told them in detail about all my discomforts and was really hoping they would look at my swollen feet, fat fingers, and puffy face and take pity on me. I wanted them to say "O you poor thing, no one should be as uncomfortable as you!  Let's have this baby!" But that didn't happen.  HA  Anyway, Hudson is doing great!  He is measuring 38 weeks today and had a healthy heart rate in the 140's.  I found out today that while it's not the kind of progress I was hoping for, we are moving along...  Today I was 2cm dilated and 70% effaced.  Woooo My next appointment is scheduled for one week from today.  I am really hoping we don't make it! 

Don't judge me or think I'm a bad almost mom!  I'm just a 37 week pregnant hormonal mess who is tired, sore, anxious, and did I mention tired?  I want my body back...  Not that I ever had a great one to begin with, but now, looking back, WHAT WAS I COMPLAINING ABOUT?!?!  I would happily take my pre-pregnancy self any day!

This was me earlier today... 36 weeks 7 days.  Again, It isn't the greatest picture.  It is fuzzy, but you get the point!  I'm huge!  My stomach is fat, my butt is fat, my legs are fat, my arms are fat... the list goes on....I have even had people ask me if I'm sure there is only one in there... YES I'M SURE! THANKS!
Anyway, I'm ready to meet my little baby boy.  My doctor gave me the go-ahead to try and get things moving along!  Needless to say, I will be walking miles every day, eating spicy food like it is going out of style, eating pineapple, drinking gallons of water and tea....  If Hudson doesn't arrive soon it won't be due to lack of effort on my part!  :) 

I really am in a good mood and in pretty good spirits!  :)  I am still very excited about having a baby and starting our family!  I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful husband and healthy baby!  I thank God every day for all the blessings in my life, even the uncomfortable and disappointing things.  He has a plan.  Like I said earlier, I'm still learning to let go and trust in his perfect plan for me, for us!  Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Relinquishing Control

The farther along this pregnancy goes, the more realize that I have very little control over how and when things happen.  Being the control freak that I am, I am having trouble just letting things go and happen in their own time.  I am taking long walks, eating pineapple, eating spicy food... in an attempt to speed things along!  That is how bad I am!  I want to have some control in the situation!  In reality, I never REALLY had control over anything but I am just now coming to terms with it.  For example:  In my mind, pregnancy was supposed to last 9 months.  Well, that 9 month mark came and went almost a week ago...  Hudson's due date is October 21st and in my world, that means that October 21st is the last possible day he will be allowed to hide in my belly.... (even though I have read they will let you go over up to 2 weeks, that doesn't sound like an option I want).   I like having a plan.  I like knowing exactly when and how things will happen...  Something tells me that I am about to get a huge wake up call!  Like I can say "OK baby, today would be a good day to just come on out, but only after 1:30pm because I will need time to shower, paint my nails, do my hair, and finish packing"!  Apparently it doesn't work like that.  Just because I'm starting to get uncomfortable and my clothes aren't fitting anymore doesn't mean it's GO TIME. 

Labor will happen when it is time, not when it is convenient for me.  And,  Hudson will get here when he is ready.  The delivery.... well the doctors and nurses are going to do whatever they have to in order to bring Hudson into this world safely, even if that means I have to do things I would rather not.  Only God knows what will happen, and how it will happen, and when it will happen.  I need to learn to just LET IT GO!  Stop worrying about it and just roll with it.  I need to trust that maybe, just maybe, God's plan for me and my baby is better than any plan I could come up with on my own.  So now, I sit and wait.  And over the next, however much time I have left before Hudson get's here, I will  try to enjoy my time being pregnant, with my husband, with my pets, friends, and without the responsibility of children.  I don't want to rush this time in my life.  I am relinquishing control! 

I want a healthy baby who's lungs are mature enough to handle the outside world.  I know that I will miss feeling him kick and move in my belly once he is out.  I know I will feel a little empty knowing he is no longer a part of me.  I know I will even miss having to get up a million times to pee every day.... THERE IS NO NEED TO RUSH THIS!   I LOVE going in his room and smelling his baby clothes, folding and refolding everything.  It makes me so happy that Steve is just as excited about being a parent as I am.  I love reading to Hudson out loud knowing he can hear me.  It is so funny that our animals all love getting right up to my belly.  I think they can hear the baby's heart beating.  I love knowing Hudson is going to be loved by so many people!  Even my sister, who has never really enjoyed being around children, is exited to be an aunt! 

In the spirit of being more flexible and less controlling, I am not just going to wait for D-day.  I am making plans and enjoying my time!  There are baby showers and birthday parties to attend, classes to take, people to see and places to go!  Starting TOMORROW!  haha because today, I'm exhausted! 

Friday, September 23, 2011

36 weeks down, 4 to go!

You are (according to my doctor) full term!!! That is just so exciting!  Now it is just a waiting game!   I want you here so bad, but I keep reminding myself that I want to enjoy this pregnancy and don't really want it to be over!  I will never be pregnant for the first time again... nor will I be pregnant with you again(obvious but hey)....  To be completely honest I have been walking a lot more, because I herd that can help get things going....  I just can't help it! Your daddy and I are just so excited to meet you, hold you, love on you!!!!!

Today I was thinking about all your firsts that are going to happen soon after you are born:  Your first Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas (the best one), and New Years!  The big question is: do we take you to get your picture with Santa for your first Christmas?  You will only be about 2 months old and I'm not sure if that is too young...  Speaking of Christmas...this weekend I plan on starting on some shopping!  I don't want to have to deal with crowds after you (Hudson) are here.  I just know all I am going to want to do around the holidays is cuddle up with you and your daddy and watch Christmas Movies. 

Can you tell I have been scatterbrained lately??  My mind is just racing and EVERYWHERE!

This past week I have been having hot flashes!  UGH and when I say hot I mean HOT!  Our A/C is set to 67 all the time and even cooler at night.  Even with the A/C we have the fan going and I can't sleep with any covers.  Steve on the other hand is FREEZING!  He is sleeping with the comforter folded over twice, blankets, sheets, and sweats on....  Poor guy!  I want to take a million showers every day!  Sleeping has become difficult again.  I wake up every single hour!  O-well.  The contractions are here!  They are inconsistent, but still a little uncomfortable.  Today, I managed to paint my nails, fingers and toes!  It was a huge challenge bending over to reach them (HUGE) but I did it!  And it only took about 2 hours!  haha I'm just so proud of myself!

Pizza Hut Cheese Pizza, Pumpkin Pie with whipped cream, and HOT Apple Cider with cinnamon....YUMMMMMMM
Guess what we are having for diner!!!!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Doctor Appointment: 35 weeks 6 days

All is well here at the Farmer house!  We had another appointment today.  It went really well aside from my blood pressure being slightly elevated.  Hudson is measuring right on track and has a heart rate in the 160's!  As of now, we are looking at having a normal size baby!!!  He is still pretty high.  My doctor even did an ultrasound to see how he was positioned.  Hudson is head down and ready to roll!  My doctor is very pleased that we made it all the way to 36 weeks!  She told me today that around 25 weeks she wasn't so sure we would make it to full term!!!!!  BUT WE DID!!!  Today was also the Strep B test.  Not bad at all. 

The next appointment is in exactly one week.  I was told to start counting Hudson's kicks and to let the doctor know if I start having consistent contractions, my water breaks, or if I notice Hudson not moving as much.  Four weeks or less until Hudson gets here!!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Crazy Weekend and a visit from Shrek!

This weekend was a whirlwind of fun and a lot of travel!  On Saturday (after the couponing event at church) Steve and I made our way up to Indianapolis!  We spend the afternoon walking around at some new shops, eating at Kona Grill (one of my favorite restaurants) and watching Kentucky Football! My parents were at the IU football game with neighbors, so Steve and I got to spend a wonderful afternoon/evening together running around my hometown!  It was wonderful!

Sunday, we all went up to Northern Indiana to visit my grandma in the hospital and for my sweet cousin's baby shower!  My grandma was doing great!  She was in ICU, but was alert and talking.  The doctors seemed to think that she would be good to go home early this week.  My cousin's baby shower was wonderful!  She is expecting a little boy "Landon" just a few weeks after Hudson is born.  It was so nice to see the family again.  She had a great turn out!  About 30 people came to show their love and support!  Everything was adorable!  They even made little chocolate mints in the shape of baby bottles!!!  Brittany (my cousin) received so many adorable gifts!   Landon is one lucky little baby!!  I can't wait to meet him!

After we got back to Indy that evening, I met up with two of my best friends for dinner!  We had been planning this dinner for a long time because it would be the last time we would be able to get together before Hudson gets here.  We went to Granite City and spent over two hours chatting the night away!  I LOVE these girls!  Because we live over three hours apart, we don't get to see each other very often, but when we can see each other, it is like no time has passed!  ABL FOREVER!

Monday morning Steve and I left to come home.  We made a stop in Louisville at the Humana main office building because Steve's coworkers wanted to throw us a baby shower!!!  It was so wonderful!  he is so lucky to work with such wonderful people!  They went above and beyond!  Steve and I were blown away by their thoughtfulness and generosity.

This was the food list/ sign up in the office!  Let me just say that the food was AMAZING! I will be getting recipes for every single item on this list!  Even the pulled pork was homemade.  We are talking baking a pork loin, shredding it, slow cooking it, and making homemade BBQ sauce!  Yummy

This is the adorable cupcake cake for Steve and I!  Isn't it just beautiful!  

This is a close up picture of the baby made of fondant on the cake!  As soon as we got home I put it in a Tupperware container and stuck it in the freezer to save for Hudson's first birthday!

These are all the awesome gifts Hudson received!!!  He got a lot of adorable baby clothes, 6 boxes of little swimmer diapers, 5 boxes of baby wipes, 1 box of regular diapers, a quilt, toys, bibs, and a sleep and play rocker!  Again, we were just blown away!

On our way home, Steve wanted to swing by HH Gregg to pick up a video camera.  This weekend he decided that we needed to hurry up and get one NOW so we could figure out how to use it well before Hudson gets here!  Steve really is turning into a great dad.  hehe  He really wants to capture all the important moments of Hudson's life!  When we got home we washed all Hudson's new clothes and put everything away!  WE ARE READY!

This is his full closet!  We have diapers, swings, gowns, sleepers, outfits....  Do you think we have everything we could possibly need?!?!

Have I mentioned that my bags are packed?!?!  At my last doctor's appointment my doctor told me that Hudson could come any time and if labor did start, they wouldn't do anything to stop it.  While that news is exciting, it got me freaked out!  So, I packed (started packing) my hospital bags.  I'm not exactly sure what I will need, but so far I have shower supplies, baby clothes, blankets, paperwork, contacts, dry shampoo....  Any advice on what to pack would be greatly appreciated. 

the following picture is gross!!!

After such a long crazy weekend, I took off my shoes, sat down and this is what I saw....  MY SHREK FEET!  This is the first time I have noticed any swelling during pregnancy.  People said this would happen, but I'm almost 36 weeks, so I assumed I was out of the woods.... guess not!  They stayed pretty puffy the whole evening, but when I woke up this morning, they were back to normal.  THANK GOD!  Let's hope this doesn't happen often!

Friday, September 16, 2011

35 weeks!

Today we are 35 weeks pregnant!  So far the only change that I have noticed is slight cramping for the last few days.  Other than that, I'm just getting bigger and bigger by the day!  Hudson is still moving around and is the size of a honeydew melon.  He is 18 inches long and weights about 5.25 pounds!  ALL of his organs are fully functioning as of now, so that is fantastic! This week I am LOVING Oreo Cookies!  I am having trouble sleeping again, but I have been told that's pretty normal.  It will be nice when this pregnancy is over and all the symptoms of pregnancy are gone....  It has been fun, but I'm ready....

Yesterday we had another doctor's appointment!  Now we are on the once a week schedule.  I am doing great, blood pressure was 115/58.  Hudson is measuring right on track.  The doctor seemed to be very pleased with our progress!  When I mentioned I was having some cramping she told me that if it continues for more than an hour I need to call her.  Also, at this stage, they will not do anything to stop labor if it starts!!!  How crazy is that!!!  We are far enough along that they would let Hudson be born NOW!!!!  Ahhhh  I'm still hoping he cooks a little longer.  If he were to come now, all the clothes we have would be off, ya know for the wrong time (Christmas, Thanksgiving....) haha stupid reason but what can I say!?!

Steve informed me that the kind people at his office wanted to throw us a baby shower!!!  It is going to be Monday!  I can't believe they are going to do that!  Steve works with such wonderful people!  I can't wait to see them all!

My grandma had her surgery today.  As far as I know, everything went well.  She will be in the ICU over night, but that was expected.  Hopefully tomorrow she will be cleared and allowed to go home or at least move to a regular room.  Thank God!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Up ALL Night

Well, it's another one of those nights....  I woke up at 2:45m and have been unable to fall back asleep!!!  Now, it is 4:15am and I have gotten on facebook, eaten a bowl of cereal, and am currently watching I didn't know I was pregnant on TV.  I still don't understand how you could go almost an entire pregnancy (nine almost ten months) and NOT know you were pregnant, but that is an entirely separate issue. 

Steve and I attended a baby care class called Baby Steps last night.  It was a 3 1/2 hour class and covered so much!  We even got to practice on those little baby dolls!  I am not going to lie, Steve totally impressed me.  He was more "into" the class than I thought he would be!  He also seemed to know a lot more about caring for babies than I gave him credit for!  haha He held, swaddled, burped, and changed the baby doll like a pro!  He may need to teach me a thing or two....  NOT!  But for real, he was great!  At least I know that Hudson will be in good hands when he is left alone with his daddy!  All in all, the class was very informative and I would recommend it to anyone expecting their first baby!  A local pediatrician even came in to talk to us about how guidelines regarding caring for a baby has changed over the past 20-30 years.  He told us that while older moms, family members, and grandma's may have the best intention when giving advice and suggestions, some of the things that were completely acceptable to do to babies back then are no longer considered safe and to be sure to know what the current standard of care is.  At the end of the class we left with a lot of goodies and samples as well as some self confidence about raising our sweet baby!

Later today I have a doctor's appointment.  I am 34 weeks 7 days.  I hope all goes well and I am given the OK to travel this weekend.

Please continue to pray for my Grandma and for a successful surgery later this afternoon.  

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wednesday, 34 weeks 6 days

Yesterday, at 34 weeks and 5 days, I started feeling irregular cramping throughout the day.  After doing some research on the internet, I can only assume they were Braxton Hix contractions.  They weren't horribly painful, but they were definitely uncomfortable and could take my breath away.  Finally, around 7:00pm last night they just went away!  I have a doctor appointment Thursday (tomorrow) and will be sure to let the doctor know!  CRAZY!  Also, yesterday, a good friend of mine from dental hygiene school came over for a little bit!  It was her day off and she wanted to see Hudson's nursery and to hang out.  We ended up going to visit another girl from school who had a beautiful baby girl a couple months ago.  It was nice getting to see them both and catch up.  They were both giving me very helpful tips on what to expect with labor and delivery.  Thankfully, they both had pretty easy deliveries and had a lot of encouraging advice and information.  I just hope when it is my turn, that it goes as smoothly for me as it did for them!

Tonight is the first of two baby care classes Steve and I signed up for.  It is a 3 1/2 hour class about how to care for your new baby.  The topics include:  feeding, sleeping, dressing, bathing....  We are both pretty excited about it!  I think/hope that after tonight we will both feel a little more comfortable about how to care of baby Hudson once he arrives!  Neither one of us has much experience at all with newborn infants, so this will be a good thing!  As of now, we are officially ready for Hudson to get here.  Even though he is still cooking, his room is ready and I think we have everything we need to care for him.  I'm sure we will realize along the way that we missed something, but for now I'm pretty happy with how prepared we seem to be.  We have extra sheets, burp cloths, baby clothes, towels, baby changing and bathing supplies, blankets, and enough diapers to last until Christmas (haha but only if a) we have enough of each size, b) he is a normal size baby when he is born, c) he grows at an average pace, d) there are no brand issues ex. leaking or rashes) .  Either way, I'm not worried!  WE ARE READY and that is such a relief!

Today, my grandma is having an outpatient procedure done and tomorrow she is being admitted for surgery.  Please pray for both procedures to be successes and for a speedy recovery.  I was looking forward to seeing her this weekend at my cousin's baby shower, but it is doubtful she will be able to attend.  Hopefully I will still get the chance to visit her, even if it is just for a few moments.  When I was little, we would visit my grandparents and extended family at least once a month.  Now that Steve and I live about 6 hours away, we only get to see them once a year at Christmas, unless there is a wedding or baby shower.  It really is sad, but it makes the time that I do get to see my family that much more special.  That is another reason I LOVE Christmas/ the holidays so much.  Being pregnant around the same time as my cousin means that I have gotten/will get to see my family a few extra times this year, and that is WONDERFUL.  At Hudson's baby shower we were even able to get a family picture!  That NEVER happens because everyone is so busy and has so much going on!  Once I find it, Ill be sure to post the picture.

Anyway, the next few days are going to be busy busy busy!  Between baby classes, doctor's appointments, writing more thank you notes, church functions, baby showers, and visiting family and friends there won't be a lot of down time!  I am hoping that I can at least get started packing my hospital bags...  I have been meaning to do this for the past few weeks, but just haven't had the chance.  Where does the time go? 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Weekend Review: Baby Shower #3, cookout, and cleaning!

This past weekend, two of my best friends (Christie and Sarah) threw Hudson a baby shower!  It was held at Christie's Parent's home and was absolutely perfect!  A few of my sorority sisters from way back were there along with some girls I went to Dental Hygiene school with.  I think there were a total of about 10 people.

This is a picture of the amazing cake Christie made for Hudson's shower!  She is so artistic!  There is even a little wooden train around the base of the cake!  How cute is that!?!?

This was the food/snack table.  I was impressed with this, but it was shortly overshadowed by the full meal that was prepared later on!  Everything was amazing!

My sweet friends and Mr. and Mrs. Bransom hosted such a lovely shower.  They even prepared a full sit down lunch:  grilled pork (to die for), warm bread, hashbrown casserole, and a yummy strawberry almond salad!  I was blown away by how good everything was!

This is a picture of Christie's parents.  The shower was held at their beautiful home!  Also in the picture is my sweet friend Mindy's baby!  He was/is so adorable!  Seeing her little guy made me so excited for Hudson to get here!

This is Charissa, another good friend from Dental Hygiene school and her daughter Kennedy!  She was a little shy at first, but soon became the life of the party!  She said a prayer before we ate, showed off her awesome counting skills, and even helped open all the gifts!  What a sweet little girl!  LOVE HER and her wonderful mommy!

More girls I met while in school for Dental Hygiene.  Courtney and Amy!  I was so glad to see them!  It has been way too long!

These are my AOII sorority sisters that I met a little over 7 years ago!  It is crazy that our freshmen year of college was that long ago already!  Christie B. is on the far left, Ann-Michelle, Sarah, and Christi M. is on the right!  I love these girls! 

After two cute shower games and opening so many wonderful and much needed gifts we took a group picture!  I finally have one with Mindy and Britney in it!  haha 

I am so thankful for all of these beautiful ladies who came out to celebrate Hudson!  They are all such wonderful people and I am so blessed to have all of them in my life!  Thank you so much for spending the afternoon with me and helping to make Hudson's shower so special!  I can't wait for him to get here so I can introduce him to everyone! 

After the fabulous shower, and a long nap, Steve and I went to a cookout for our Sunday School Class at church!  It was so nice!  I believe there were about 20 adults and a little over 20 children in attendance!  There are also a few ladies there who are expecting (via birth or adoption) babies right around the same time Hudson is due!  He is going to have so many little friends!  We had such a nice time chatting and getting to know people better!  Everyone was/is so friendly!  Steve and I feel so lucky to be a part of such a wonderful group of people!  

Sunday, we went to church and spent the remainder of the day cleaning out and organizing the garage.  I can't say I was a lot of help, but I did as much as I could!  It looks  so much better after having everything and I mean everything hauled out, swept, throwing stuff away, and hanging/organizing everything!  YEA! 

A work in progress!

Friday, September 9, 2011

34 weeks down, 6 weeks (42 more days) to go!!!!! THE STORY OF US

It really doesn't seem like that long ago that I looked down at that random pregnancy test and realized that my life would never be the same...  I was going to be a mommy, and we (Steve and I) were going to be parents.  Up until that point it had been just the two of us for a grand total of 7 years (including 3 we have been married). However, we had taken on the responsibility of pets (2 cats and our sweetheart of a dog Sadie), but nothing like the responsibility of raising a child.  After having this information for almost 9 months and it finally sinking in, I have come to the conclusion that we have no clue what we are doing when it comes to raising a child.  That is FINE!  No one does.  We have been asking other parents a lot of questions as well as receiving advice from people when we didn't ask for it!  Everyone has their own way of doing things and we just need to find what works best for us and our new family.  What works/worked for one person won't always work for another.  We also made the rookie mistake of thinking that everything that was out on the market for babies and children was a necessity, after all why would a company sell something that you absolutely did not need???  haha  Now we realize that you (Hudson) actually have very few NEEDS for the first year of your life.  But we still have all that extra fun, just in case, stuff for you anyway!  :) 

I wanted to take time to tell you about your daddy and me.  We are human.  We make mistakes.  We did have a life before you came along (but our lives are so much more full now that you are in the picture).  Your daddy (Steve) was born and raised in Lexington, Kentucky.  He has two older brothers and had a twin brother who passed away at an early age.  His name was Michael.  That is how you got your middle name.  You dad is a hard working man and has been most of his life.  He held jobs through High School and College.  He worked hard and paid for his first car.  You dad is a car fanatic!  He loves them!  When we first started dating we were out and your daddy herd a car engine and before seeing the car he told me what make and model it was!  haha  HE WAS RIGHT!  Your dad also likes to run, both indoors and outside.  I know he played sports when he was younger, but I'm not exactly sure when or how old he was....  He has some close friends that he has had for years.  Your dad is a people person!  He loves being around people and chatting with anyone and everyone!  He was a Marketing/Management major in College.  You may not think so, but your dad was and still is a really fun person!  He enjoys being active and doing things!  Steve also LOVES football and Kentucky Basketball!  Hudson, you didn't have a chance.  You were born a baby wildcat!  Steve is also a genius when it comes to computers/ electronics.  He can figure just about anything out!  There is a lot more to your dad, but he will have to fill you in on the rest.  I have only been a part of his life for the past 7 years....

I (your mama) was born in Indianapolis, Indiana and was raised in Carmel, Indiana.  Between Indianapolis and Carmel I lived in Kansas City, Kansas and Normal, Illinois.  We moved a lot when I was a child due to (grandpa) my dad's job.  I ran track in Junior High School, played the piano, swam,  played soccer, and was in my High School's color guard.  I taught swim lessons at a private pool and also the YMCA for years.  I also worked as a cashier at a local grocery store and at Old Navy among other places....  I ended up going to college at the University of Kentucky (where your daddy and I met).  I was in a sorority there called AOII.  My mom was in that same sorority, just at a different school (IU).  After graduating from UK with a Family Studies degree I went back to school to get a degree in Dental Hygiene.  Shortly after that, we found out we were expecting you, and here we are! 

Your daddy and I met while we were both attending school at UK.  We tell people the first time we met was at Southland Christian Church during their Sunday night service, but really we met when my sorority was helping with fraternity rush.  I was out talking to random guys wanting to join fraternities (making name tags, giving out information, introducing them...) when Steve walked by.  He was NOT interested in joining a fraternity and to be honest did not make the best first impression.  He seemed a little arrogant.  WHATEVER!  So, I was rude right back and walked away assuming I would never see that guy again!  haha  Well, later in my freshmen year I became friends with some of Steve's friends and ran into him at a few "get togethers".  Still, there wasn't anything there.  I was still going on dates with other people as was he.  One night I was at church with one of my very best friends who I had met through my sorority.  and we were getting ready to leave when we ran into your daddy.  As it turns out they (My friend and Steve) had known each other for years.  She introduced me to him officially and he was nothing but charming....After that, we started going to church together, Steve would even pick me up and take me every now and then.  We started text messaging back and forth and chatting on the phone.  Finally, he asked me out on a date.  Our first date was at Carabba's Italian restaurant.  I remember instead of sitting across from me at the table your daddy pulled out the seat right next to me.  My heart skipped a beat.  We went on three dates before your dad could muster up the nerve to kiss me ( I know you wanted to hear that, but I thought it was sweet).  Steve took me to see Christmas lights one night for a date.  He brought hot chocolate and had Christmas Music Playing.  It didn't take long for me to fall head over heals in love with your daddy!  He even got me a gift for Christmas even though we had only been on a few dates.  It was so thoughtful!  He got me a beautiful scarf and lotion.  I felt horrible because I didn't even think to get him something because we hadn't been out many times... What a sweet man.  We had been dating about a month when I realized that I was just a freshmen and wasn't ready to settle down with my future husband (yes, I already knew he was the one).  I was totally freaked out and ended up breaking up with Steve... but only for a weekend.  After going home for a few days I realized that I was 100% positively in love with your daddy and wanted nothing more than to be with him.  So I made him a giant heart shaped cookie for Valentine's day and told him I was sorry and that I wanted to be with him.  He obviously forgave me and we have been together ever since!  We didn't tell each other that we loved each other until about 6 months into our relationship.  I believe it was over summer break so I was back home with my parents and Steve was still in Lexington.  He had come up to visit me for the weekend and on Saturday night we were out with my friends, getting ready to call it a night and drive back to my parent's house when I started crying.  I had missed him so much over the summer and didn't want him to leave.  He told me he loved me for the first time outside my car in a Steak n' Shake parking lot!  haha  It was perfect!  A few more years passed and Steve proposed.  He took me hiking at Natural Bridge and popped the question!  I secretly knew it was coming becasue the entire drive there and hike your daddy was acting very strange and nervous.  I cried, said YES and we were married 6 months later on January 3, 2009 in my hometown of Carmel, Indiana.

We have been married almost three years and have had so much fun together.  We have enjoyed taking trips, working on the house, planning for the future....  In just a few weeks we will be adding you to our already wonderful family, and couldn't be more happy and ready!  We are both looking forward to this new and exciting chapter in our lives.  It's going to be an adventure!  :)

Our first (dating) anniversary we went to New York City!  Here we are at Central Park

Sorority Formal

Going to look at Christmas Lights!

Myrtle Beach Vacation

First picture as an engaged woman!

Our engagement dinner!  It was at the same place we had our very first date!

Engagement Pictures

On our Honeymoon

Superbowl Party 2009

Isle of Palm, South Carolina

Pregnant with Hudson!

I know that was long, but I wanted you to know a little bit about your daddy and I and how we met.  I think it is important for you to know. 

All Because Two People Fell In Love

Hudson, we are 34 weeks pregnant today!  That means you could be here in as few as 2 weeks, but we are hoping for 4.  You are 17 3/4 inches long and weigh about 4 3/4  pounds!  You are the size of a cantaloupe.  The only things you are really doing now are getting your lungs more developed and packing on the pounds!  You are almost ready little man!  You are moving a lot but it is still more like adjusting and rolling rather than kicking.  I have been sleeping better so that is always good.  There haven't really been many changes this past week other than size. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I am loving this Fall weather we have been having lately!  It is so nice!  I have never been a fan of extreme heat!  It is crazy how just last week we were having record Highs and this week we are having record Lows!  The local news says that the weather we are having here today (and this week) is what we usually have around November 1st!  It is such a nice change of pace from the 90+ degree weather we have had recently!  Fall is my favorite season!  We are entering my favorite time of year... FALL/WINTER! 

I love Fall because of the cool weather, leaves falling, Halloween, pumpkin carving, pumpkin pie, apples with carmel dip, Thanksgiving, yummy food, family time, football (yes, even I enjoy a little football every now and then), long walks, leaves changing colors, t-shirts and jeans, being outdoors, apple cider, Fall TV shows are back....

I LOVE Winter because of Christmas, snow, Christmas movies, good food, spending time with family, cookies, hot chocolate, getting together with friends, everyone is happy and in a good mood, giving, people are more willing to help out others, children, magic, big fat snowflakes, Chex Mix, Christmas music, Church, candles, flannel pj's and sheets, fires, baking, decorations, lights, seeing my breath in the cold air, scarves and hats, boots, sweaters, candy canes, peppermint, Time, Crawling into a chilly bed and pulling up all the covers, wearing socks to bed, hope, anticipation about what the future holds, goals, resolutions, celebrations, remembering times and people from your past, reflection...

On this cool rainy day I had a dentist appointment, worked on some house stuff, got caught up on some reading, worked on thank you notes (still not done), made a pizza for dinner, and baked brownies!  I couldn't imagine a better way to spend such a day!  This is the type of day that just begs you to remove all makeup, put on comfortable pj's, take out contact lenses and put on those glasses and crawl back in bed, sleep in a little longer, take an afternoon nap, make hot tea, read a good book, watch a movie, listen to music and just stay inside!  Ahhhh Bliss

I am enjoying days like today, because in about 40 days I won't be able to totally and completely take an entire day and just relax, doing exactly what I want to do, when I want to do it!  In about 40 days I will be taking care of, playing with, and loving on a sweet little boy who is going to consume a lot (most) of my time and energy.  ME TIME will soon be a thing of the past....  So, I'm going to take full advantage of it now, while I still can!  Happy Wednesday and welcome Fall!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day Weekend!

This has been a wonderful holiday weekend!  Three days of time with Steve, time with family, and a bunch of cleaning!  This may not be everyone's idea of a FUN weekend, but it was absolutely perfect in my book!  It started off with me babysitting Blanton (Steve's cousin's baby) then Steve and I making our first dinner together in our new kitchen!  We haven't been able to cook together in such a long time due to lack of space!  It was WONDERFUL!  We even made our version of the "Cookie Monster" (warm chocolate chip cookies and ice cream) for dessert!  YUMMY  We ended our Friday night relaxing on the couch watching a movie on TV.  Saturday, Steve's brother and his family drove up from TN.  The boys got to hang out and go to lunch and so did the girls!  It was wonderful catching up!  Sunday, Steve was in a cleaning mood.  I think he is nesting a little too...  So, we spent the entire day doing laundry, cleaning the unfinished part of the basement, vacuuming, cleaning bathrooms, cleaning our office...  The cleaning fever NEVER hits Steve, so we decided to take full advantage of it while he was all excited about it!  Again, I am so happy about this!  There is just something so nice about having a really clean house!  After our day of fun (and a quick nap for me) we  headed over to Steve's parents house for a nice evening of good food and conversation.  We got home around 10:00pm, just in time for Steve's new favorite TV show Breaking Bad to come on.  Another perfect end to a perfect day!

Today, we actually got to sleep in until almost 9:00!  It was awesome!  We watched some TV (the today show), had breakfast, exercised (Steve did, not me...), and found out that we can get some money back on the washer and dryer we purchased a little over a month ago!  So, it's 10:00am now and we have already saved about $100!  What a great start to the day!  The plan for the rest of the day includes, a lot of relaxing, going to Lowe's and getting some money back on the W&D, writing and hopefully finishing the thank you notes from last weekends baby shower, putting together baby Hudson's pack n' play and swing, fixing some things around the house, and finally watching the first three seasons of Breaking Bad (or at least a few episodes).

I absolutely love these long weekends!  Steve is so much more relaxed and we get to spend a lot more time together!  I am really trying to take it all in now because in about 46 days (or there about) it won't be just the two of us anymore!  This thought can make me a little sad, but Steve is so good about reminding me that this is a GOOD change!  There is plenty of love and time to go around!  We are both getting really excited! 

Happy Labor Day!

Friday, September 2, 2011

33 weeks!

We have officially evolved to a baby the size of pineapple this week!  Hudson is weighing in at a little over 4 pounds and 17+ inches long from head to toe!  It is absolutely amazing that he is that big already!  His movements have gone from quick kicks to full on adjustments and shifting positions inside my belly!  It is a weird feeling and crazy to watch.  I don't know if he likes it or hates it, but when I rock in his glider he ALWAYS starts moving!  Hopefully he likes it...  Not only can he distinguish between light and dark now, but his pupils can dialiate and constrict to adjust to light and dark.  The human body is so amazing!

Cravings:  CHOCOLATE, CHOCOLATE, and more CHOCOLATE!  I'm still on the subway kick, and I LOVE cheese! 

Sleep:  Surprisingly, this past week I have gotten much more sleep at night.  I am still wakeing up every now and then to go to the bathroom, but other than that I feel pretty well rested when I wake up at...6:30!!!!  YEA  I have also noticed that I am more tired throughout the day.  After reading some baby books, I found that it is pretty normal to feel exhausted around this time.

Emotions:  I feel like I'm running around like a chicken with its head cut off!  There is SOOO much left to do and Hudson will be considered full term in 3 weeks!!!  I feel like Steve and I are from different planets sometimes!  I want everything to be perfect and want to learn as much as possible before Hudson gets here.  I also want to get as much as I can done now to make it easier later on.  Steve on the other hand is very laid back.  He dosn't think we need to do anything to prepare and just wants to wing it...  His catch phrase lately is "everything will be fine"....  AHHHHHHH  Sometimes I just don't think he gets it that a switch has been flipped and I NEED things to get done and NEED to feel more prepared.  I know I'm driving him nuts, but he is just going to have to get over that one!  haha  Funny Story...  I have actually been following him around the house when he gets home in the afternoon with our vacuume and a dust rag, picking up everything he leaves in his wake.  He drops his keys here, his wallet there, leaves a glass sitting out on the table....  I just want everything I have worked so hard to clean to stay clean!  I know, I know, ...CRAZY!  Thankfully, for the most part, Steve is just going with the flow and trying let me be my crazy pregnant self.  I think he figured out that if he just goes with it, and lets me do my thing, it prevents unnecessary GIANT meltdowns!  haha  I married a really good guy and feel extremely lucky every day when I wake up and see him next to me. 

Stretch Marks:  YEP!  They are here to stay.  I still only have them on my sides where my skin is pulling.  Hopefully they don't start popping up everywhere!  That would stink!

Belly Button:  No change.  It is still pretty much flat. 

All in all this past week has been pretty good!  I'm getting very excited/anxious about Hudson coming so soon!  I want him here, but deep down am releived he won't be getting here for another few weeks.  I need more time to get ready and get things done!