We have officially evolved to a baby the size of pineapple this week! Hudson is weighing in at a little over 4 pounds and 17+ inches long from head to toe! It is absolutely amazing that he is that big already! His movements have gone from quick kicks to full on adjustments and shifting positions inside my belly! It is a weird feeling and crazy to watch. I don't know if he likes it or hates it, but when I rock in his glider he ALWAYS starts moving! Hopefully he likes it... Not only can he distinguish between light and dark now, but his pupils can dialiate and constrict to adjust to light and dark. The human body is so amazing!
Cravings: CHOCOLATE, CHOCOLATE, and more CHOCOLATE! I'm still on the subway kick, and I LOVE cheese!
Sleep: Surprisingly, this past week I have gotten much more sleep at night. I am still wakeing up every now and then to go to the bathroom, but other than that I feel pretty well rested when I wake up at...6:30!!!! YEA I have also noticed that I am more tired throughout the day. After reading some baby books, I found that it is pretty normal to feel exhausted around this time.
Emotions: I feel like I'm running around like a chicken with its head cut off! There is SOOO much left to do and Hudson will be considered full term in 3 weeks!!! I feel like Steve and I are from different planets sometimes! I want everything to be perfect and want to learn as much as possible before Hudson gets here. I also want to get as much as I can done now to make it easier later on. Steve on the other hand is very laid back. He dosn't think we need to do anything to prepare and just wants to wing it... His catch phrase lately is "everything will be fine".... AHHHHHHH Sometimes I just don't think he gets it that a switch has been flipped and I NEED things to get done and NEED to feel more prepared. I know I'm driving him nuts, but he is just going to have to get over that one! haha Funny Story... I have actually been following him around the house when he gets home in the afternoon with our vacuume and a dust rag, picking up everything he leaves in his wake. He drops his keys here, his wallet there, leaves a glass sitting out on the table.... I just want everything I have worked so hard to clean to stay clean! I know, I know, ...CRAZY! Thankfully, for the most part, Steve is just going with the flow and trying let me be my crazy pregnant self. I think he figured out that if he just goes with it, and lets me do my thing, it prevents unnecessary GIANT meltdowns! haha I married a really good guy and feel extremely lucky every day when I wake up and see him next to me.
Stretch Marks: YEP! They are here to stay. I still only have them on my sides where my skin is pulling. Hopefully they don't start popping up everywhere! That would stink!
Belly Button: No change. It is still pretty much flat.
All in all this past week has been pretty good! I'm getting very excited/anxious about Hudson coming so soon! I want him here, but deep down am releived he won't be getting here for another few weeks. I need more time to get ready and get things done!
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