Tuesday night around 10:00pm Steve and I headed to the hospital only to find out that the contractions I was having were too irregular. I had been having them for hours and finally called my doctor to see what to do. She told me to head in to get checked. While there, we found out I was between 1-2cm dilated and 65% effaced. I wasn't going to share that information, but decided that one day I might want to know just how long this entire process took.... Anyway, we were pretty excited about that news! Surely we would be having our baby soon right?!?! We were sent home and told he could come any time...MEANING, he could be here tomorrow or in three weeks.... hummmm
Today was another doctors appointment. It was the last appointment I will have with my regular doctor before she leaves (unless I can convince Hudson to come on out within the next week). Like I said, I was optimistic that I would magically be ready to have this baby (by the way, Hudson is full term now)... I made a point to tell the nurse and the doctor just how ready I was to get this show on the road. I told them in detail about all my discomforts and was really hoping they would look at my swollen feet, fat fingers, and puffy face and take pity on me. I wanted them to say "O you poor thing, no one should be as uncomfortable as you! Let's have this baby!" But that didn't happen. HA Anyway, Hudson is doing great! He is measuring 38 weeks today and had a healthy heart rate in the 140's. I found out today that while it's not the kind of progress I was hoping for, we are moving along... Today I was 2cm dilated and 70% effaced. Woooo My next appointment is scheduled for one week from today. I am really hoping we don't make it!
Don't judge me or think I'm a bad almost mom! I'm just a 37 week pregnant hormonal mess who is tired, sore, anxious, and did I mention tired? I want my body back... Not that I ever had a great one to begin with, but now, looking back, WHAT WAS I COMPLAINING ABOUT?!?! I would happily take my pre-pregnancy self any day!
This was me earlier today... 36 weeks 7 days. Again, It isn't the greatest picture. It is fuzzy, but you get the point! I'm huge! My stomach is fat, my butt is fat, my legs are fat, my arms are fat... the list goes on....I have even had people ask me if I'm sure there is only one in there... YES I'M SURE! THANKS!
I really am in a good mood and in pretty good spirits! :) I am still very excited about having a baby and starting our family! I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful husband and healthy baby! I thank God every day for all the blessings in my life, even the uncomfortable and disappointing things. He has a plan. Like I said earlier, I'm still learning to let go and trust in his perfect plan for me, for us! Happy Thursday!