Wednesday, January 15, 2014

An Unexpected Checkup...

My mom had a meeting for work about 30 minutes from where we live, so Hud and I drove to meet her.  It was so nice getting to chat and she really enjoyed seeing Hud.  :)  I told her that I haven't been feeling Alexis move the past 24 hours.  I told her how strange it was because Alexis is usually such an active baby.  My mom told me to call my doctor and see what they said.

On the way back home I tried calling my doctor, but was on hold for the entire drive..... The hospital where my doctor's office is located is on the way, so I decided to just swing in unannounced ;)  Personally I think that it is ridiculous that their emergency triage line had me on hold for 30 minutes and I never got to talk to anyone because the call got dropped!  That's beside the point though.  Anyway, I got there and they had me see the nurse practitioner.  I explained why I was there and she was able to find the baby's heart beat.  I was so relieved!  She said she still wanted to run some tests, so they hooked me up to a bunch of monitors.  Alexis' heart rate looked good other than some random drops, but I was also having regular contractions that were pretty uncomfortable.  The Nurse was a little shocked.  She gave me some medication to stop the contractions and that seemed to work (for the most part).  Then she checked me to see if I was dilating.  I am not dilated at all, but I am 60% effaced....  She wasn't too concerned by this.  The the nurse sent me to ultrasound to check baby movement and fluid levels.

While in Ultrasound, they were able to check her heart, lungs, kidneys....  everything looked good.  They also noticed that her heart rate would randomly drop then come back so they made sure her umbilical cord wasn't wrapped around her neck.  It was not, thank God!  The Ultrasound tech did say that the baby is head down and extremely low.  Alexis is so low that the U.S tech couldn't get the top of her head in the actual ultrasound.  Now all the pressure I have been feeling is making complete sense.  She also took measurements of Alexis and it appears that our little girl is weighing in at 3 lbs 7 oz at 31 weeks.  :)

The nurse met with me again after the ultrasound and gave me two options.  I could either go home and take it easy AND monitor Alexis on my own or they would send me to Labor and Delivery to be monitored because I still wasn't able to really feel Alexis move.  I chose to go home.  Hudson was beyond exhausted at this point, my phone had died, and we were headed for a total meltdown.  I am supposed to go back next week unless she stops moving again (I can't feel her) or I start having more contractions.

Hopefully there won't be anymore scares and I will be able to meet with my doctor at my next scheduled appointment.

My mom was ready to head to our house when I finally called her to let her know what was going on.  In fact, she has decided to pack a bag just in case they need to head our way in a hurry!  haha  I don't even have my hospital bag packed yet, but it is sure nice to know that my parents are there if we need them.  :)

Alexis has been a little more active this evening (go figure) but my stomach is still getting tight every once in a while. I am excited to meet our little girl, but I hope she can stay in an "cook" for a while longer.

Hud was such a trooper the whole day and was so sweet.  He passed out on the drive home from the doctor and slept for a few hours.  Bless his sweet little heart.  I love that kid so much it is unreal!

I'm so glad everything is alright and Alexis is looking good.  I'm also glad that they will be keeping a closer eye on her to make sure she is doing alright from here on out.  Here's to hoping for a smooth week and no more surprises.  :)  Come on little girl, move for Mama!

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