Sunday, January 5, 2014

30 weeks with my baby girl!

3-0 YES, THIRTY WEEKS!  I can hardly believe how fast this pregnancy is going.  Am I crazy to think that this pregnancy seems so much less....stressful than the first time around?  I don't know why that is.  I would think that having a two year old AND being thirty weeks pregnant would be a lot more difficult, but so far (keeping my fingers crossed) this pregnancy has been a breeze.

At thirty weeks I am still sleeping pretty well.  I roll over a lot though, but not too shabby.  My only complaint is still those pesky leg cramps!  I am having them more often and they hurt sooooo bad.  At thirty weeks and really into my third trimester, the weight seems to be packing on.  I am no longer a cute (in my opinion) pregnant lady.  I just look like a puffed up, expanded, stretched out whale.  :)  Seriously though, there is a period of time during pregnancy where your body still resembles your pre-pregnancy self but with a belly.  Around my third trimester I seem to transform in to a much puffier but still somewhat recognizable version of myself.  My stomach gets huge, my hips seem to get really wide, my face and nose get bigger....  NOT PRETTY!  O-well  At least I haven't gotten extremely swollen yet.  Maybe this time I'll get lucky!   In all seriousness though, this pregnancy is going really well and I'm so happy Alexis and myself are both happy and healthy.

The other day we were at the grocery store and I was picking out some sour cream and checked the expiration date... it was March 24th!  That is AFTER Alexis's due date!  How weird is it that we have food in our fridge that we will have (unless I eat it) after our sweet girl gets here?!?!?!  Maybe I'm just weird, but it made everything seem so real.  We are what, 10 weeks out from her due date now....  Not too much longer!

 Tuesday I have another doctors appointment (every two weeks now).  I also have to take the 3 hour glucose test.... I failed the 1 hour glucose test with a score of 146.  The cut off is usually 140, but my doctor says anything over 130 must be retested.  The nurse from the lab called the Friday before Christmas.  I was soooo upset.  I cried a lot and just felt horrible.  After having some time to let it sink in and think, I am much more calm.  Hopefully I pass the three hour test with flying colors.  To pass the time I will be reading on my new Kindle (it's charging now).  Even if my scores are too high again, I can't imagine them being off the charts.  Hopefully everything would be able to be controlled by altering my diet.  Ugh.  I really hope I pass.  :(

Friday night Steve and I celebrated 5 years of marriage!  We both laughed and reminisced at how much we have changed in the past 5 years.  Steve bought me the most beautiful flowers and took me to a great restaurant for dinner.  Afterwords we went to see the movie Catching Fire!  I loved the Hunger Games book series so I was soooos excited to see this movie.  It was really good and Steve was sooooo sweet about acting into it.  I love Steve so much and look forward to many many many more years together.

I am so thankful to have such a wonderful husband who puts up with my mood-swings (not as bad this pregnancy) and a beautiful son who we both adore.  I feel overwhelmed by how good life is.  We will celebrating the birth of Alexis in just a few short weeks and I can't wait to be a family of four.  I am excited for Hudson to have a little sister.  I am also excited to have a daughter to share life with.  Watching Steve and Hudson get closer makes me so happy for them, but it also makes me excited for myself because Alexis and I (God willing) will  be able to bond in that special way that mothers and daughters do.  I am so lucky to both Hudson's mom and Alexis's mom.  Somebody pinch me.  :)

God is so good!

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