Saturday, January 7, 2012

3 months old today!


Three months ago today, you came into my life!  I have loved and cherished every second we have spent together (which is pretty much all of them seeing as I am with you 99.99% of the time).  You are changing and growing every singly day!  I really think you know who I am now.  If you hear my voice, you start scanning the room for me and when you find me, you smile!  It absolutely melts my heart!  You still love getting your diaper changed and still LOVE being naked!  During baths you have started splashing around like a little fish.  You get such a kick out of making the water go everywhere!  You chuckle and laugh ALL THE TIME!  I am in love with your toothless grin!  The other night when we went to bed (you are still sleeping in our room) you were not having it!  I fed you, changed you, swaddled you and put you to bed.  After I turned the lights off you stared "talking" to yourself (not crying or fussing, just happily chatty).  You talked for over an hour before you fell asleep.  I was laying in bed trying not too laugh too loud! 

I don't know how much you weigh right now, but It is well over 15 pounds.  You are comfortably wearing size 6 month clothing!!!  Ahhhh at this rate, you will be wearing 12 month clothing in just another 2-3 months!  You are sleeping all night long (10-8:00am) consistently and have designated nap times during the day.  In the afternoons, I put you to sleep in your crib and you do great.  You never cry when I put you down for a nap.  You are awake at least 8-10 hours each day and we play most of that time.  You love playing on your activity mat now and will lay there listening to the music and grabbing the rattles for about 30 minutes.  You love looking at faces and will match the expressions people make at you.  Right now, your favorite noise is hooting like an owl.  Every time I look at you, smile and say "hooo hoooo" you belly laugh and say it back!  You seem to think mommy is the funniest person/thing on earth!

I am trying to to forget anything....  Your eyes are still a beautiful sea blue and your hair is finally starting to come in on the top of your head!  Your finger nails are growing like crazy and I have to cut them a few times a week.  Ooooo You can sit up really well as long as I hold your hands!!!!  It is so cute to watch you discover new things. 

Hudson you are the sweetest little baby.  Your personality is starting to show and I can already tell what a wonderful person you are!  We are amazed by you every single day!  We love you soooo much and look forward to watching you grow and develop into a little person.  

Happy 3 Month Birthday Huddy Buddy!

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