Sunday, November 4, 2012

Babies Babies EVERYWHERE!!!

Ahhhhh  It seems like everywhere I turn I see babies!  I know so many people who are getting ready to have a little bundle of joy or are just now announcing to the world that in 9 months they will be adding to their families!  This is starting to cause some mild feelings of baby fever! 

On one hand, I LOVE BABIES.  They are so little and cute and cuddly!  They have adorable clothes and always smell so good. 

But on the other hand, I LOVE HUDSON more than anything and can't imagine being able to love another baby as much as I love him.  He requires so much attention and love (and I don't mind giving him 100%) so it is hard to imagine having more than one.  How would Hudson react to a little brother or sister?  Also, there is the issue of sleep.  It seems like Hudson just started sleeping through the night consistently (even though it has probably been happening for a couple of months) and I'm not sure I'm ready to be back in the no sleep zone.  I might just loose my mind....  (my hair will turn gray and Steve will have to have me admitted).

And then there is the actual pregnancy...  I have come to realize that as a pregnant person, I am a monster!  Steve seriously should have shipped me off somewhere for 9 months.  I become an emotional, irrational, nauseous, exhausted, angry, woman who EATS EVERYTHING SHE SEES!  Not pretty.  How would I handle the morning (all day) sickness AND take care of Hudson?  This is selfish, Yes.  But I am just now (after a year) starting to look like myself again.  I fit into my old clothes (well, some of them) and am not ready to give them up again.  I'm afraid the next time I get pregnant my body might change so much that I will NEVER be able to get into my old clothes. 

So much to think about.

I do want Hudson to be close to his sibling(s)...

How on earth do you know when the time is right for baby #2? 

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