Friday, February 22, 2013

Joshua 1:9

I hate flying.

If you know me at all, this is no surprise.  I have never liked flying.  It always involves sleepless nights leading up to the impending flight, then tears during.

I just hate it.

In fact, I would rather give a presentation to a thousand critical people on a topic I know nothing about, while wearing nothing but my birthday suit.  If that tells you anything....

Well,  guess what?  In a few months the hubby and I will be taking a little trip and we are flying.  I have begged and pleaded to take a car, bus, literally ANYTHING but a plane.  I did not get my way.  We will be flying, and even thought our trip isn't for months, I have already started worrying about it.

Yes, I'm a giant chicken.

Tonight I started looking at information on-line to try to help me cope with my fear of flying.  I was reading article after article about plane safety and the underlying causes of fear.  Instead of feeling better, I started feeling worse.

I felt like I was in a small confined space and the door was shutting.  I started getting all hot and flustered.  My heart started racing, and tears started streaming down my face.  I was picturing myself walking down the terminal to the tiny door on the side of the plane, walking through and sitting in that claustrophobic space.  I was picturing myself looking out the window as the scenery started to flash by and we ascended into the air at a serious incline and speeds that cause you to sit all the way back in your seat.  I felt sick.

After about 15 minutes of this TORTURE, I just couldn't do it anymore and decided it was time for bed.

Before turning off the lights I decided to check out the Bible App on my phone and the verse of the day popped up.  It is a "random" verse that changes daily.  As soon as the verse came on my screen, my jaw hit the floor.  God was sending me message loud and clear.  TRUST ME!  PUT YOUR FAITH IN ME!  DO NOT BE AFRAID!

"I repeat, be strong and brave!  Don't be afraid and don't panic, for I, the Lord your God, am with you in all you do."
Joshua 1:9

There is just no way that me seeing this verse just moments after being so upset and fearful was anything other than Devine Intervention.  Coincidence?  I think NOT!

Dear God,

Thank you for hearing my cries.  Thank you for caring enough about me and my little problems to reach out to me and let me know you are with me.  Thank you for comforting me in a time of need.  Lord you never cease to amaze me.  You know me better than I know myself and I am forever greatful for your constant love.  You are my rock.

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