Thursday, August 22, 2013

Precious Moments

So, I am 100% obsessed with Hudson.  Knowing that in a few short months he will no longer be an only child has intensified this obsession exponentially.  I love his sweet voice and how he says " It's OK Mama"  when he does something that he knows he shouldn't or when I seem upset or drop something.  He is the most compassionate almost two year old that ever walked the earth. 

I love how Hudson hands me different items when he is finished with whatever it might be he was playing with and hands them to me saying "Here ya go mama" or "Here ya go Ma".  I especially love it when its chewed up, spit on, squished food he is done with... hehe

I love how smart Hudson is.  NO REALLY, THIS KID IS SMART!  He knows his shapes (heart, star, circle, square, rectangle, triangle, and oval).  He also knows colors, some numbers, and most of the letters. 

I printed off a picture of our first ultrasound of baby 2 and tried to get Hudson to take a picture holding it... It didn't go over well, but that's beside the point.  I left the picture of the baby in Hudson's room (because he liked it) and every time he sees it he yells "look, a baby" and runs over to it pointing saying "baby" then waves and says "hello baby"!It is seriously one of the first things he does every morning when he wakes up and after every nap.  Bless his sweet little heart. 

Hudson's laugh is contagious and his cry makes me cry.  He is all boy and has the bumps and bruises to prove it.  But, he is also extremely sensitive and loving.  My heart overflows with joy every time he comes and sits in my lap without me asking.  I also melt whenever that little head gets right in my face and says "hello mama" with a big grin!

I am a far from perfect mother.  Yes, I let Hudson watch TV and play games on my phone and let him eat way to much processed food and cater to his ever whim...  But somehow he is turning out to be this amazing ,smart, loving and sweet little boy who listens most of the time!  :)  I really can't take credit for this beautiful child.  God blessed us with sweet yet wild spirited little boy.  I could literally write for days about all of Hudson's cute traits or sayings, but I hope to at least get some down so that I will always remember this precious time together just the two of us.

Ideally all of these posts (I am turning into books) will be given to my children.  Maybe when they graduate High School, or when they leave for collage, or on their wedding day... I don't know.  But I hope that they are able to read through all my thoughts and laugh at how crazy life can be but also how wonderful it is.  But most importantly I hope they realize how much they are loved.  It is an unshakeable, unbreakable, never ending love.  No matter what.  FOREVER

I am so thankful for Steve and for Hudson, and for this baby that is about to come into our lives and make our family complete.  Sometimes I can't believe how lucky I am to have my amazing family, great friends, a beautiful home, safe neighborhood and sweet pets.  I literally have to pinch myself. 

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