Saturday, January 5, 2013

The moving bug...

I LOVE looking at houses and dreaming of our future and where we will be....  It's so easy and fun to imagine where we will live, what we will be doing, how fun it will be to decorate a new (or new to us) house....  I love looking at design magazines and fabrics.   I love picking out furniture for rooms I don't currently have and planning their arrangements along with the coordinating window treatments.

I don't actually DO anything though.  Nothing gets purchased, its all just planning.   1) because the house we live in now is tricky and I have done all I can do!  2)  I'm cheep!  I know this is not where we will be too much longer (years maybe but not super long term) and I can't bring myself to spend money on something short term or do anything crazy!

Anyway, after Christmas we came home, unpacked, and looked around at all our "stuff".  Between Hudson's mountain of toys, cloths, suitcases, decorations.... I felt completely overwhelmed, claustrophobic even.  I feel like a tiny crab who has outgrown its shell and needs to go shell shopping for a bigger, more spacious home.  I caught the moving bug (which is the cousin of baby fever).  haha They seem to go hand in hand.

Yes, this is really dumb.  I try not to waste my time thinking about this stuff, because we are really FINE and it probably wouldn't hurt to get rid of some junk around our house anyway to make more room.  A lot of it really is baby and kid stuff though!  And for as little as babies are, their gear is big and bulky!  I am really kicking myself now for not saving boxes that some of Hudson's stuff (swing, jumper....) came in!

Kids are little.  Why on earth does everything for kids take up so much room?  At some point (not now) we are going to want to have another baby and I really don't know that our current house is going to be able to contain us without some serious purging!  I have been watching HGTV and a lot of people who are moving bring up a good point.  They want to either move or renovate before they have a second (or third or fourth) baby.  Apparently moving with children can be hard.  I don't know how we would do it with Hudson, let alone another little one added to the mix.

So, that has me to where I am now, really thinking it might be time to leave our 1st place for more space elsewhere.  Sigh

I know that this "issue" is small and insignificant.  We are so blessed and it seems silly with everything else going on in the world to think about houses and design and more space.  Well, all I can say is everyone dreams/thinks about something.  This so happens to be my thing.  :)  I enjoy organizing, thinking about, and creating pretty things.  It's fun.  I know I'm not alone in this either, or else there wouldn't be television channels and magazines, and books completely devoted to the subject.

BUT THEN, I think about how much work it would take to pack up everything and relocate it..... ugh  I moved a lot when I was little and really enjoyed it.  I loved living in a new place and meeting new people.  As long as my family was there, I was good.  Now, I realize that my parents probably didn't enjoy the moving process nearly as much.  :(  SOOOOOO exhausting!

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