Monday, January 14, 2013


I was told this day would come.  I wasn't really surprised when it finally happened.  To be honest, I laughed... a lot!

Hudson Michael Farmer,

You are getting quite the little temper!  hehe  Most of the time you just go with the flow (you get that from your daddy).  But, every once in a while when you can't have or do something you want, you throw a little (or big) fit!  You probably get this from me.  I'm not nearly as laid back as your daddy. 

It is sad and funny all at the same time to see you get worked up over not being able to play with a pen or something little like that.  It's funny because you REALLY don't care about the pen.  You just hate it when we take things away from you.  Sometimes, you get so worked up you even start stomping your feet!!!!  I have no idea where you saw this or if it is just a natural thing kids do when they are mad.... either way the first time you did it I couldn't believe my eyes.  

Another thing that drives you CRAZY is when you are tying to build a tower of blocks and they keep falling over.  You start out so happy and then get really focused and intense.  When they keep falling over after only stacking four blocks you will get frustrated and knock everything over, throwing blocks and making funny faces.  Of course I can't keep a straight face!

I will say that along with this desire to get and do what you want, you have become much more independent.  You can play happily alone for periods of time.  This gives me a chance to get a lot done that otherwise would just have to wait.  BUT, your new found independence fascinates me and I end up watching you interact with your stuffed animals and playing with your toys.  It is so amazing how much you have developed and changed over the past 15 months! 

I remember when you were first born.  I would sit and hold you all day!  You were in my arms most of the day!  We still have some cuddle time every day, but you are a busy little boy and have lots of things to explore.  I cherish every minute we have together.  I love you very much Hudson. 


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