Friday, April 27, 2012

Just the right combination

It is...interesting how when feeding a baby you need just the right combination of grain, fruits and veggies, and milk in order to a) keep him full b) keep his digestive system working smooth and c) keep thirst at bay. 

For the first few months of life, feedings were pretty foolproof!  All Hudson ate/drank was milk.  He was full and happy all the time and we NEVER had tummy troubles.  That all started to change once we introduced baby food (rice cereal and veggies).  If he gets to much rice cereal, he gets constipated and his tummy really starts to hurt.  This causes crying episodes where nothing seems to help!  If he gets too many fruits and veggies in a day, the exact opposite can happen and I'm changing blowout diapers every 30 minutes and bleaching tons of his clothes (some can't even be salvaged).   So, it takes just the right combination of grain, fruit/veggies/ and milk to keep my babies digestive system running like a well oiled machine. 

Now the tricky part... that combination changes from day to day!  It is hit or miss and the magic combination must be tweaked on a daily basis.  For example of Hudson seems to be "backed up" one day, the next I give him a little less rice and a little more veggies. 

At six months, here is our (average) winning combination of foods to keep Hudson a happy little baby!

5:30am - milk 2-6 oz (sometimes this feeding time is skipped, then he drinks more milk throughout the day)
8:30am - fruit (bananas, peaches...) sometimes mixed with a little rice cereal AND milk and 2-3oz milk
12:00pm - vegetables (green beans & carrots) he eats 1/2 to 1 whole container and some milk 2-3 oz
2:00pm - 5 oz milk
5:30pm - 5-6 oz milk with a little rice mixed in
8:00pm - rice cereal and 2-3oz milk
10:00pm - 4-6oz milk (sometimes mixed with a little rice cereal)

Again, this is just a sample day.  Every single day is a little different.  Some days he wants more than others.  Honestly, I play it by ear and let Hudson tell me when he is hungry and when he is full. 

Ta Da The Winning Combination for Hudson at 6 months!  This soon will change though, because soon we will be adding in foods he can pick up on his own (cheerios) and a sippy cup (instead of a bottle)...  Just when you think you have it down... haha

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