Friday, March 15, 2013

Daylight Savings Time....UGH

The recent time change has taken its toll on our family's sleep schedule.

Whoever thought it was a good idea to adjust the time twice a year was neither a woman or a parent!

You would think that it would be EASY to adjust one tiny hour, but it isn't!  Hudson has been so thrown off.  He refuses to go to bed on time and will cry and cry (this is not normal) until closer to 9:00!!!  He still wants to get up early (sometimes REALLY early like 3 & 4 am thinking its time to wake up) and take his nap during the day at the normal time or a little later.  After almost a week, things are starting to resemble our "normal" routine.  THANK GOODNESS!

***Side Note***
I am so glad it's Friday!  More time with Steve, more sleep, long walks, more playtime with Hudson, family activities, maybe a movie, hopefully a fun meal out, house work, hopefully Sunday School, teaching praise kids...  TGIF

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