Friday, October 16, 2015

Then HE was 4!

My baby is growing up!  Sniff Sniff

Today, Hudson had his 4 year check up.  He is a beast of a child (and I mean that in the best most loving way possible).  The kid is 41 lbs 4 oz and is 42 inches tall!  That puts him in the 85th %ile for both height and weight!  See, told ya!  He's a beast!  :)

As expected Hudson checked out completely healthy and is a "normal, growing, healthy little boy".  :)  Obviously this news makes me very happy!

Hudson is such a sweet sensitive and funny child!  No one else on earth can laugh, have a melt down, say something so witty and historical, laugh again, then get serious and state some worldly truth all in a matter of seconds!  Oh the life of a preschooler!  haha  It's a roller coaster ride people!  All joking aside though, Hudson is the best little boy a mother could ask for.  He is kid and so considerate.  He is very aware of other peoples feelings.  He is extremely smart and intuitive.  You can see the gears turning in that head of his and see his thought processes.  It is amazing to witness how he is growing and developing both mentally and physically!  He has so much coordination now!  Hud is playing soccer this year at preschool and he is really very good if I do say so myself.

Hudson loves preschool and his teacher Mrs. Jackson.  In fact, when Hud misbehaves at home sometimes I tell him that I will tell Mrs. Jackson what he said/did, because he does a complete 180.  He loves his teacher so much he doesn't want her to know if he does something less than kind.  So, it doesn't surprise me at all that Hudson gets good reports EVERY SINGLE DAY at school!

Hudson loves to sing along to music.  His current Favorite is the song Loving You Easy by the Zac Brown Band.  It's really cute, you should hear it some time!

Anyway, I love Hudson so very much.  I don't think I could ever love another boy as much as him.  He makes me laugh on a daily basis and always brings a smile to my face.  I have loved watching him grow and turn into the sweet boy he is today.  I can't wait to see what the future holds for this bright child!

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