Monday, May 12, 2014

8 weeks old

These posts are a lot harder to do with two kids... There are so many times throughout the day that something cute or funny happens and I think "Ive got to write that down so I remember it".... Well, by the time I get a chance to sit down and write out said cute thing, I'm either exhausted or being "needed" by someone.  Then I think, "I'll work on it after both babies are in bed".  Well thats anytime between 8:45 and 10.  With two kiddos to care for all day and trying to get back into a good exercise routine I'm completely exhausted  and crash.  Needless to say my blogging has suffered drastically.

These days I find it really hard to put more than a couple ideas together to form a coherent paragraph let alone a whole post.  Maybe I should just start writing in bullet points?

Anyway, here we are at 8 weeks post birth of Alexis :)

Have I mentioned how extremely happy I am to have our sweet little girl here?  We just love her so much.  I really am having a hard time remembering what life was like without her.  I think I remember thinking that trying to keep one in line was hard.... thats funny.

Every week just goes by so fast.  The kids are growing up so fast.  Alexis is huge to me now and Hud might as well be a teenager!

Hudson is talking so much (when we can get that pacifier out of his mouth).  The other day, I kid you not, he said a 10 word sentence!  It was amazing.  Hudson is so smart and very into technology.  He can do things on my phone that I still can't figure out.  He is doing a lot of puzzles now too.  Hudson has a funny laugh he has started doing...  its a mix between a cackle and belly laugh.  He only uses that particular laugh when he is "trying" to be funny.  Hudson tries to be funny a lot these days especially if we laugh or he thinks it will get Alexis to react.  My favorite things that Hudson did/said this week:

  • "Holy Crap, did you see that?" - Steve and I were in shock and aw as we heard this come out of our two year old's mouth.
  • "Holy Molly"
  • "Mom, don't leave me.  I just want to stay wif you"
  • "Don't leave me mom, I just want to seep wif you"
Last week Hudson was sick for the first time EVER!  By sick I mean he threw up.  It was so sad to watch him cry every time it happened.  Poor little guy didn't feel well and couldn't figure out why or how to make it stop.  Needless to say the past week has been all about recovery.  I think after a full week we are finally out of the woods.  O-did I mention Steve got it too?  Thankfully Alexis and I were able to stay away and avoid getting sick.  I have never done so much laundry and dealt with so many foul things in my life.... 

Alexis is growing and changing so much.  She is starting to look more and more like Hudson only with a lot of really dark hair!  Now that she is over 6 weeks old, I've been able to start going to the gym.  Their childcare won't allow children under 6 weeks to go.  Alexis and Hudson both do a great job while there.  I never in a million years would have taken hudson to the gym childcare when he was Alexis' age.  Its amazing how much more relaxed you are as a parent the second go round.

Alexis is the sweetest, easiest baby that ever lived.  She rarely cries and when she does, its usually really easy to calm her down.  She is very laid back.  I take her everywhere and she just goes with it.  She can sleep through just about everything.  She is still in size one diapers, but she could easily wear size 2.  She is starting to get a little big for 0-3 month clothes (sigh).  She did wear her first 3-6 month outfit the other day.  It was a little big, but fit.  Alexis enjoys baths.  We love watching her play.  Alexis loves seeing herself in the mirror.  She also really likes the ceiling fan.  Alexis has started making all sorts of noises (talking) and is laughing and smiling a lot more.  It is the sweetest sound ever to hear her laugh.  I hope to catch that little smirk on camera one of these days.  

I love both my babies soooo much.  I can't believe I have a 2.5 year and 8 week old!!!!!  Adjusting to two hasn't been nearly as hard as I though/heard.  It is more challenging in some ways, but not bad at all!  With that being said, I am very much looking forward to our (Steve and my) vacation.  No kids.  The beach.  Drinks.  Sleep.....  haha I will miss my babies so much, but mama needs a little break.  :)  I have mentioned before that I am really scared of flying.  Is it bad that it doesn't seem to be bothering me much now because I think "I'm going to get about 2 hours to myself where I won't have to do anything for anyone. In fact, someone will be taking care of me.  I might even get, dare I say it, a nap!"  haha  PERSPECTIVE.

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