Wednesday, March 5, 2014

We FINALLY have a plan!

Today started off pretty rough.  I was scrambling to get ready for my doctors appointment, had to scrape ice off my car while dripping sweat (right after taking a shower), got stuck in lots of traffic then got lost all before my 8:40am doctors appointment.  Needless to say there were a lot of tears and lots of things I said that I wish I could take back....  It looks like I'll be trying to "unteach" Hudson some new words and phrases.

HOWEVER, there is a silver lining to my hectic morning....

Once at the doctors office things got much MUCH better.  Hudson was so well behaved and was complimented by literally everyone!  I was so thankful.  He didn't make a noise during my ultrasound (except to sing the alphabet for the technition).  Alexis is doing great!  They did a biophysical test on her today to make sure she was still "thriving"  on the inside.  She passed with flying colors!  Alexis is measuring right on track and is estimated to be 7lbs right now.  She was breathing beautifully and kicking like a champ!  Her heart rate stayed steady in the 140's!  I was so happy to hear this.  O and she is STILL a girl!

After the ultrasound I had my blood pressure taken and it was 112/58!  That's pretty perfect for a 38+ week pregnant woman!  I was so happy!  After that I met with my doctor and she said we are making a little progress (2cm dilated) but because I was induced with Hudson with no problems she said that if Alexis wasn't here by next Friday (March 14th) they would go ahead and induce me.  She (my doctor) will be working that day and will get to deliver Alexis.  I was ecstatic about that news!  This makes life so much easier.  The planner in me was seriously doing flips!  WE HAVE A PLAN!  I have a little over a week to get completely packed and organized.  My parents will have time to get here and I can (God Willing) have a pain free labor and delivery this time around too!

I'm so happy!

It's funny because yesterday I was really wishing that Alexis would come any day, but now I really hope she stays put until next Friday....  I like knowing, I like being able to prepare, and I like that I know exactly how things will happen.  No surprises!

So, that's my news for today.  It may not seem like much to anyone else, but this is probably the best news I could have gotten today.

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