Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Funny Stuff

My little man Hudson has turned into quite the comedian.  In the past week alone this kid has made me laugh more times than I could count.  I don't want to forget these cute little things so I figured I'd write them down.

Me:  Hudson can you help mommy ____?
Hudson:  Of Corse Mommy!


Me:  Hudson, It's nap time.
Hudson:  No, I'm waking up now!


Alexis:  making all sorts of baby noises
Hudson:  Stop yelling baby!  BE PATIENT! (yelling)
Alexis:  more noises
Hudson:  Be quiet baby!!!
Alexis:  more noises
Hudson:  Awwww look at the cute baby!  (in sweet loving baby-talk voice)


Me:  feeding Alexis
Hudson:  "BOOBIES!"
Me:  Where on earth did you hear that?
Hudson:  laughing uncontrollably "boobies, boobies, boobies"
Me:  Hudson, we don't say that
Hudson:  BOOBIES!!!!!
Me:  Awesome.....


Hudson:  Put it down (talking about alexis)
Me:  ok
Hudson:  I want to hold you
Me:  You want me to hold you?
Hudson:  yea


Hudson:  poo poo
Me:  Did you poop?
Hudson:  No
Me:  Hudson, did you poop?
Hudson:  I'm all better now
Me:  gggrreeeeeaaattttt........


Getting ready to leave for the store
Hudson:  Mommy where are you?
Me:  right here
Hudson:  Don't leave me mom!
Me:  I would never leave you Hudson!
Hudson:  Don't leave Hudson mom!


Attempting to use the potty
Me:  Hudson, sit on your potty
Hudson:  ok
Me:  Do you have to go pee pee?
Hudson:  yes
Me:  Ok?
Hudson:  It's not working (looking down at his boy parts after a few minutes of nothing happening)
Me:  haha ok

Hudson singing you are my sunshine
Hud:  You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.  You make me happy, when skies are gray.  You'll never know HUDSON how much I love you.  Please don't take my sunshine away.


Hudson saying the Alphabet

Hud:  A B C D E F G H I Jesus LMNOP  :)


Hudson refusing to let me brush his teeth

Me:  Hud, open your mouth
Hud:  No, that's Jessie's toothbrush
Me:  NO, it's YOUR toothbrush
Hud:  nope


Hud:  I want a cookie
Me:  no, not right now
Hud:  I want that cookie in my mouth, NOW!


Hud:  I want to hold it (holding out his hands to hold ALEXIS)
Me:  wait just a minute ok?
Hud: Mom, I want to hold it in my hands.
Me:  give me one second and Ill help you
Hud:  I want to catch it!
Me:  Do you love your baby sister?
Hud:  umhumm, and trains.

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