Sunday, December 15, 2013

Sweating The Small Stuff

As a 28 year old, I have learned over the years that not every decision, unkind word, less than perfect situation... is a BIG DEAL.  Not everything is life or death.  However, during pregnancy EVERY SINGLE THING seems to be extremely important (even though in the back of my mind I know it isn't). I want everything to be perfect and when things don't go as I need them too, it sometimes feels like my word is spiraling out of control....  Here are some examples:

  • If Steve is having a bad day and comes home and is short with me, instead of letting it go, I get it in my head that this attitude will somehow snowball into an emotionally abusive situation down the road if I don't put an end to it right then an there.  AND lets be honest, when you are having a bad day, the last thing you want is a pregnant lady all up in your face telling you how on top of everything you are being a mean husband.   I need to get over this.  My wonderful husband isn't going to turn into an abusive ass and ruin our whole marriage just because one day he makes a sarcastic comment....  
  • If the baby's room isn't 100% finished months before she gets here, it's going to be alright!  She won't even be sleeping in there for a long time after she is born anyway.  Why am I getting so bent out of shape about getting everything perfect?!?!  Alexis is a loved little girl and won't care that I didn't have her bedding finished in December (even though she isn't due until March).  The thought of everything I still need/want to do literally makes me start to hyperventilate...
  • If we don't watch hundreds of Christmas movies, bake lots of cookies, and have hours of good quality family time every single night, it will be ok!  I want our last Christmas as a family of 3 to be perfect.  I want to start traditions with Hudson that we will continue for many years.  I want every night to be filled with hot chocolate and family cuddle time.  We aren't bad parents, just because we let Hudson play on the floor with his toys while we get housework done or exercise, but right now it sure feels that way.
  • If Steve wants to read one book instead of three to Hudson before bed, it doesn't mean he doesn't love his son.  Steve isn't trying to get out of spending quality time with him.  IT IS GOING TO BE ALRIGHT.  Why am I blowing everything way out of proportion?!?!
  • If there are dishes in the sink or the laundry is still in the dryer (round three) it doesn't mean that we will be on the tv show hoarders two seasons from now or that Child Protective Services will show up at our front door demanding to know why our son is still in his PJ's at 3:00pm.   We will not find hundreds of stray cats roaming our home and be living in filth just because I found leftovers from a week ago in the back of our fridge.  TIME TO CHILL OUT!
  • If I don't make our bed every single day, does it mean I won't teach my children to be disciplined and hard working people?  Does it mean I am a lazy failure at life and as a mom?  No, my children will not become lazy selfish brats down the road just because I don't set the table every night.  
Those are just a few examples of things that have been sending me off the deep end lately....  I think by nature I am a type A personality anyway, but it is just magnified by a thousand with all these pregnancy hormones pulsing through me!  Ugh  My parents and grandparents were so good at the parenting stuff (at least I think so)...  Sometimes it is just so hard to keep up.  I see other parents with kids Hudson's age and it is impossible not to compare... 

I need to keep reminding myself that when I'm not pregnant, I think the life we have created and the family dynamics we have are pretty perfect.  Life is good.  We are good.  My unmade bed, it's good too.  :)  I just wish I weren't so hard on myself and everyone else for that matter when I am pregnant.  I need to learn not to sweat the small stuff and remember that most things fall under the small stuff category.  Not everything is a big deal.  It's ok to relax and just "roll with it"

Hopefully Hudson and Alexis get more of a balance between Steve's laid-back personality and my more ridged one.  :)  

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