Tuesday, January 29, 2013

My little biter!

This week Hudson started doing something really fun.  He started biting!  So far, he has only bitten me, and only when he gets really frustrated.  Yes, it has happened more than once.

The first time it happened I was beyond shocked.  My sweet little baby purposefully bit my arm when I was holding him!  He was mad about me taking something away, so I held him and tried to calm him down.  Well, that little stinker turned his head until he was facing my arm and took a bite out of me!  OUCH!  I reacted by saying "NO" and lightly spanking him on his bottom.  I'll admit, it was more of a reaction than a thoughtful act of discipline.  That part makes me sick to my stomach.  Whether or not you agree with spanking, it is the fact that it wasn't a thoughtful or planned response that is most upsetting to me.

This incident made me realize that we need to have a game-plan when it comes to how to discipline Hudson (and any future children).  Steve and I really need to discuss how we want to try to handle misbehavior.  That way, when something happens, there will be no question as to what action to take.

I wasn't ready for this!  Hudson is just 1 year old (in his 15th month)!  How on earth are you supposed to correct "bad" behavior in a way that is appropriate for his age and so he will understand?!?!  So far, trying to correct behavior by saying no, removing him from a situation, or putting him in timeout for a minute has only lead to a flood of tears and a baby that just wants to cuddle.  It's seriously heartbreaking because he seems more hurt and offended that I would scold him.  All he wants after being corrected is to be held and loved.  Being a parent is tough.

Anyway, I think he is biting because he can't express himself any other way.  Man, that would be extremely frustrating!  I feel bad for him, but at the same time I don't want him going around thinking it's alright to bite people when he's upset.  A friend of mine suggested trying to teach Hudson some sign language.  She said her and her husband did it, and it seemed to be working really well. That might just be on my list of things to do this week.

I am really not looking forward to this part.  I love playing with Hudson and loving on him.  I don't want to discipline him....but I guess that's part of life and being a mommy.


This really does hurt me 10,000,000 times more than it hurts you.  I always thought parents were so full of it when they said that.  But, it's really true.  It is our job as your parents to guide you and help you become a loving, kind, good, moral, helpful, God loving, faithful, honest, hardworking, productive adult.  It's hard.  Your daddy and I have no idea what we are doing.  There, I said it.  We have never been parents before.  This is new to us and we are going to have to learn together what works and what doesn't.  All I can say is I hope when you grow up and look back at your childhood, you are able to see that everything we did (right or wrong) was out of love and inexperience.  We are doing our best.  We love you more than you will ever know.


Mommy & Daddy

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